-Priyanka sethi-
I feel pity to see people taking selfies and uploading each and every update on on social media cause they dont realise that they are missing the reality. Its irritating to see them making official announcement of what you did to the world which is not interested
But even bigger problem is that, while making those update and taking those selfies we forget to make memories in that precious time. We went to meet an old friend after so long the main and the motive became taking selfies to upload on social media and tell others that you are still friends.
In faking those moments and taking selfies lets see people eye to eye. Instead of uploading long status lets talk to the person personally.
Selfies or photographes cant make memories. Putting up selfies on social media according to a study have been proven ''a sign of having low self esteem''.
Today, we put up a selfie and update our status to show off ourself and for others to get jealous. And I dont know qhy people want to update how they thats the most foolish thing.
What I can conclude that all socially active people are just trying to be fake and or trying to get accepted by society.
And I totally accept myself as foolish and fake person cause I'm myself part of it.
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