-Priyanka sethi
Today world I see is all fighting for equality between men and women, its a fight that has been long fought but the results are still pending the reasons I think is the worlds perception to equality.
The world thinks equality as providing special privileges but thats not the correct perception the real motive of equality is giving equal look to the man and woman in their work, life and exsistence.
I ask you one question what will be your view regarding a world leader as woman? What do you think malala yousufzai? I'm sure the first thought that will struck your mind will be that "they fought like a man!!" Isn't it? So do you think this called equality, regarding woman as man.
You know what's wrong with mentality of society I don't need to tell this to you. But did ever raised your voice against it did you ever stood against a rape victim when world's against her. No right? Thats being a blind eye to social issue. I as woman ask you to take stand for woman.
Today when I go late at night I need to think twice but a guy doesn't even need to. When I go out far alone I get restrictions but a guy doesn't. When I put on clothes I need to think twice but guy don't have to... him being partially dressed the world dont even mind. But my clothes can mean being sensual or asking for sexual pleasure. This mind set is of pervert. I do anything that I'm comfortable in its uncomfortable to society. Change your thinking don't ask me to change my clothes.
When a woman get raped it's her sin or a sin of a man. Isn't her pain, her wounds a sin of society.
My clothes, my thoughts, my comfort, my pleasure and my voice is my sin for society. To that society ,my answer "you exist because of me" but I still join my hands and ask for bringing equality but in its exact sense.
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